by Brian Johnson November 4, 2010
Brian's Right Perspective
"... if the Republicans go back to old form, they’ll suffer the election consequences Democrats are suffering right now.”

The war is not over. Tuesday night was just the first battle. Do not for a minute think that the established GOP leadership is going to roll over without a fight. However, these same people should be forewarned that this is not a single election movement. This is a sustained movement that is going to hold both the old guard (McCain, Boehner, Graham, etc...), and the new guards feet to the fire. The People are awake, and we are watching. If the Republicans go back to the same old massive spending of 2001 - 2006, 2012 is going to be super tsunami year. We are not looking for Democrat-lite.
There are going to be tough decisions, especially in social programs (welfare, food stamps, etc...).
The GOP is going to have to be articulate in debunking the false notion that tax cuts increase the deficit. They need to illustrate that in the first year (or short-term), there will be budget shortfalls in tax revenue, but in the out years revenue to the federal government will increase due to the jump-start in new businesses, greater employment, reinvestment and expansion of existing businesses and so on. The key though is to both cut taxes AND cut spending simultaneously.
In addition, there needs to be a weakening of the unions (SEIU, AFL-CIO, NEA, etc...) which are holding states and businesses hostage with unsustainable collective bargaining agreements, draining the treasuries of those states, and bankrupting business and taxpayers.
Who is going to be the person to lead the charge? It's too early to say, but one thing is for sure - don't be one of those who stands in the way of the train that's heading for Washington D.C. You will get run over.
Article: How the Tea Party Plans to Put the Pressure on the GOP
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