Posted by Brian
Santorum: "I would vote for Ron Paul" over Barack Obama. "Absolutely".
Enviro-Wackos in UK Push For "Ecocide" Laws, Equate Oil Spills to Genocide
Ecocide a crime against peace?
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Enviro-Wackos of the world - Unite! |
There is a push to have “ecocide” made illegal as a fifth crime against peace. I am at a loss to figure out how harming the environment could be constituted as such, unless you consider nature to be the equivalent of a sovereign nation that the horrible corporate world is waging war against.
Lawyer Polly Higgins likens ecocide to slavery:
Here is a video that introduces the concept:To get there, Higgins needs to borrow one more detail from the slavery story: to find a modern Charles Grant willing to stand up among his or her business peers and urge them to support the abolition of ecocide. So who might that be?
Read More at Climate Nonconformist
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Bringing sanity to the schools
Pelosi Daughter: "Mom Wants To Leave Congress"
Posted by Brian
Pleeeease!!! And take Harry Reid with you! And Schumer, and Hoyer, and Clyburn, and Wasserman-Schultz, and Feinstein, and ....
Pleeeease!!! And take Harry Reid with you! And Schumer, and Hoyer, and Clyburn, and Wasserman-Schultz, and Feinstein, and ....
EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: ‘My Mom Wants to Leave Congress’
by Jeffrey Scott ShapiroAlexandra Pelosi, daughter of House Minority Leader and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, told Big Government this week that her mother wants to leave Congress–and that she remains in Washington only at the behest of her campaign donors.During a telephone interview, Ms. Pelosi–speaking from a friend’s home in New York City–described her mother’s predicament:Read More at Big Government
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Shock Rasmussen Poll: Romney 45% Obama 39%
Posted by Brian
Eleven months out of the next Presidential election, the latest Rasmussen poll has GOP contender Mitt Romney opening up a six point lead over Barack Obama for the highest office in the land. This is considered a major sea change in the race as earlier in the week pollsters and pundits were reporting that Obama's approval numbers were surging to the upper 40's. It also shows that the polls don't mean squat, as up to this point not a single vote has been cast for any candidate. Hell, Newt Gingrich led Mitt Romney 38% - 17% on December 1st! Less than a month ago!
It is less than a week before the Iowa caucuses, which are insignificant in the grand scheme of the primary season (Just ask Mike Huckabee, Tom Harkin and Dick Gephardt who all won IA), as are the New Hampshire primaries (though less so - John McCain won the 2000 NH GOP primary). The bottom line is this: Vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with your ideology and beliefs. This is what the primary season is for. The media has already pre-ordained Romney as the winner, and he may win the nomination. We don't know. Do the media and all of the pundits share your values, beliefs, and values? No. Then why do so many give up on their candidates because the an article in the paper, or that Brian Williams reports that only this or that candidate has a chance of winning? It doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination - Romney, Paul, Bachmann, Perry, et al. Whoever it is, the media are going to try to destroy that candidate when they get the nomination, because the media's "job", in their minds, is to get Barack Obama reelected.
Go out and vote your values in the primaries, not the media's.
2012 Presidential Matchups Election 2012: Romney 45%, Obama 39%
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Eleven months out of the next Presidential election, the latest Rasmussen poll has GOP contender Mitt Romney opening up a six point lead over Barack Obama for the highest office in the land. This is considered a major sea change in the race as earlier in the week pollsters and pundits were reporting that Obama's approval numbers were surging to the upper 40's. It also shows that the polls don't mean squat, as up to this point not a single vote has been cast for any candidate. Hell, Newt Gingrich led Mitt Romney 38% - 17% on December 1st! Less than a month ago!
It is less than a week before the Iowa caucuses, which are insignificant in the grand scheme of the primary season (Just ask Mike Huckabee, Tom Harkin and Dick Gephardt who all won IA), as are the New Hampshire primaries (though less so - John McCain won the 2000 NH GOP primary). The bottom line is this: Vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with your ideology and beliefs. This is what the primary season is for. The media has already pre-ordained Romney as the winner, and he may win the nomination. We don't know. Do the media and all of the pundits share your values, beliefs, and values? No. Then why do so many give up on their candidates because the an article in the paper, or that Brian Williams reports that only this or that candidate has a chance of winning? It doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination - Romney, Paul, Bachmann, Perry, et al. Whoever it is, the media are going to try to destroy that candidate when they get the nomination, because the media's "job", in their minds, is to get Barack Obama reelected.
Go out and vote your values in the primaries, not the media's.
2012 Presidential Matchups Election 2012: Romney 45%, Obama 39%
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Mitt Romney has now jumped to his biggest lead ever over President Obama in a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup. It’s also the biggest lead a named Republican candidate has held over the incumbent in Rasmussen Reports surveying to date.
The latest national telephone survey finds that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters favor the former Massachusetts governor, while 39% prefer the president. Ten percent (10%) like some other candidate in the race, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording,click here.)
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ObamaCare Thru The Looking Glass: UK Proposing "Minimum" Price For Alchohol
Posted by Brian
On socialized medicine/universal health care: "behind it will come other government programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country..."
Ronald Reagan - 1961
On socialized medicine/universal health care: "behind it will come other government programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country..."
Ronald Reagan - 1961
Cameron 'Backing Alcohol Minimum Price'
The Prime Minister is said to be backing plans for minimum pricing for alcohol.
David Cameron will override his Cabinet who fear it breaches European rules, it is reported.
Minimum pricing has the biggest impact on the cheapest and strongest drinks and earlier this month a group of leading academics and health experts claimed the move would save thousands of lives.
Proposals for a charge per unit of between 40p and 50p would raise £700m a year, which could go to the NHS, the Daily Telegraph says.
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Michelle Obama's Warning: This Election Will Impact Supreme Court Balance "for decades to come"
Posted by Brian
Read more:
Michelle Obama’s warning to gun owners
By Chris Cox Published: 9:41 AM 10/11/2011 | Updated: 4:17 PM 12/13/2011
Nearly three years into President Obama’s first term in office, Michelle Obama finally said something with which I can agree.
At a recent fundraiser for President Obama’s re-election campaign in Providence, Rhode Island, the first lady told her audience:
“We stand at a fundamental crossroads for our country. You’re here because you know that in just 13 months, we’re going to make a choice that will impact our lives for decades to come … let’s not forget what it meant when my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices … let’s not forget the impact that their decisions will have on our lives for decades to come.”
Read more:
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Liberal Hypocrisy: Pelosi Sticks Hawaiian's With $34,000 Security Bill at $10K a night Resort
Posted by Brian
Princess Nancy Pelosi is choosing once again sticking locals with a significant "security"bill", vacationing in Hawaii during the Christmas season, while Americans are trying to make ends meet. I'm sure that that the dwarf Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie (a well known marxist who he served for too many years in the U.S. House of Representatives), is thrilled to have both the President and Stretch Pelosi grace his State with their presence, while sticking the locals with the bill.
Princess Nancy Pelosi is choosing once again sticking locals with a significant "security"bill", vacationing in Hawaii during the Christmas season, while Americans are trying to make ends meet. I'm sure that that the dwarf Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie (a well known marxist who he served for too many years in the U.S. House of Representatives), is thrilled to have both the President and Stretch Pelosi grace his State with their presence, while sticking the locals with the bill.
While President Obama Arrives in Hawaii Amidst Security and Fanfare, Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Slips Quietly into Big Island Resort
BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN - News that President Barack Obama arrived in Hawaii this weekend to join his wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha in time for a Christmas holiday has been covered by news media worldwide.
The first family and their friends have been enjoying a reclusive 17-day holiday vacation in beach front homes in Kailua, Oahu.
But another powerful politician is here for the holidays as well, albeit on another island and with less media attention.
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, who served as Speaker of the House and is now head of the House minority, is once again spending her Christmas at the exotic Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu in Kona on the island of Hawaii.
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Clueless Occupy Portland Spokesbabe: We're Targeting Goldman Sachs, But Screw The Workers Too
Posted by Brian
h/t to MRC TV
You gotta hand it to this useful idiot from Occupy Portland, she has her good little marxist talking points memorized, and is able to parrot "Goldman Sachs" at will. The sad thing is, if the statists ever take over, the useful idiots will be some of the first to be rounded up and eliminated, just like the Trotskyites in Russia and the brown shirts in Nazi Germany. "You have served your purpose and are no longer needed."
Neil Cavuto Takes on Occupier Over Shutting Down Ports
Stephen Gutowski
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 12:25pm
h/t to MRC TV
You gotta hand it to this useful idiot from Occupy Portland, she has her good little marxist talking points memorized, and is able to parrot "Goldman Sachs" at will. The sad thing is, if the statists ever take over, the useful idiots will be some of the first to be rounded up and eliminated, just like the Trotskyites in Russia and the brown shirts in Nazi Germany. "You have served your purpose and are no longer needed."
Neil Cavuto Takes on Occupier Over Shutting Down Ports
Stephen Gutowski
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 12:25pm
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VIDEO: Occupiers Keep Holiday Food From Hungry Poor
Posted by Brian
h/y to MRC TV
We hear how much the Occupiers love the "99%." But they're not going to let the 99%'s desire to eat get in the way of spreading their completely nonsensical message.
h/y to MRC TV
We hear how much the Occupiers love the "99%." But they're not going to let the 99%'s desire to eat get in the way of spreading their completely nonsensical message.
VIDEO: Gaffney: Obama Administration 'pandering' to pro-Sharia Group
Posted by Brian
Frank Gaffney sees the Obama Administration as being overly sympathetic to a group which is fighting for a UN Resolution that would clearly defy the First Amendment.
Frank Gaffney sees the Obama Administration as being overly sympathetic to a group which is fighting for a UN Resolution that would clearly defy the First Amendment.
Video: Ron Paul in 1995 on the Ron Paul Survival Report
1995 interview in which Ron Paul discusses his newsletter "The Ron Paul Survival Report", which contradicts his recent claims that he did read or write any of the articles, including incendiary racial remarks smattered throughout the newsletter which bore his name.
Posted by Brian
Posted by Brian
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Shot Across The Bow, Iranians Warn West, Conduct War Games In Gulf
Posted by Brian
Iranian Lawmaker: 'These War Games Are a Warning to the Western Countries'
December 27, 2011
( – Iranian state and semi-official media lined up behind the regime this week in a show of nationalistic pride as Iran’s navy began 10 days of war games designed to showcase its “regional dominance” and display its ability to shut off the crucial Strait of Hormuz if threatened.
Naval spokesmen were quoted as saying the “Velayat 90” maneuvers, the biggest ever of their kind, were being held across a vast area from the Gulf of Oman to the Gulf of Aden – waters stretching between Somalia in the west, the Indian subcontinent in the east, and Oman and Yemen to the north.
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Deja Vu: Hoyer Calls On Congress To Pass Omnibus Spending Bill No One Has Read
In a scene reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi's "we need to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it", Steny Hoyer called on Congress to pass the massive omnibus spending bill despite no one knowing what is in it.
Washington politics as usual.
Washington politics as usual.
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Friday afternoon called on his colleagues to support the $1 trillion omnibus spending bill, even though he claimed no one — or almost no one — in the House has read it.
Click on link below to see video:
Posted by Brian
Obama: Give Me Another $1.2 Trillion
Posted by Brian
Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official
(Reuters) - The White House plans to ask Congress by the end of the week for an increase in the government's debt ceiling to allow the United States to pay its bills on time, according to a senior Treasury Department official on Tuesday.
The approval is expected to go through without a challenge, given that Congress is in recess until later in January and the request is in line with an agreement to keep the U.S. government funded into 2013.
The Armenian Genocide - Caliphate, Jizya, and the Ottoman Empire
Posted by Brian
August 7, 2011
In Germany, where Holocaust denial is punishable by up to five years in prison, Stuttgart University recently capitulated to pressure from resident Turkish Muslims and canceled an event entitled, "Persecution, Expulsion and Annihilation of Christians in the Ottoman Empire 1912-1922." Ironically, this occurred in a country that was forced to confront its own genocidal past, educate its population and pay restitution to victims. University officials explained that they wanted to "remain neutral" on the subject of the nearly 100-year-old, well-documented Turkish massacre of more than two million Christians. Citing neutrality in the face of crimes against humanity is deeply troubling, particularly in light of Germany's Holocaust past and the missed opportunity the event represented to educate students about genocide and potentially prevent its recurrence.
Equally troubling is Turkey's continued denial and banning of information about these crimes, not only within its own borders, but, as exemplified in Germany, within other countries as well. In contrast to Germany where laws since the end of World War II seek to prevent a Holocaust from ever happening again, the Turkish government under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, passed in 2005, makes it a crime punishable by up to two years imprisonment to insult the Turkish state. This provision prevents any public commemoration or consideration of the Turkish Muslim atrocities committed against Ottoman Christians.
Read more at The American Thinker
August 7, 2011
The Jihad Against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians
By Janet LevyIn Germany, where Holocaust denial is punishable by up to five years in prison, Stuttgart University recently capitulated to pressure from resident Turkish Muslims and canceled an event entitled, "Persecution, Expulsion and Annihilation of Christians in the Ottoman Empire 1912-1922." Ironically, this occurred in a country that was forced to confront its own genocidal past, educate its population and pay restitution to victims. University officials explained that they wanted to "remain neutral" on the subject of the nearly 100-year-old, well-documented Turkish massacre of more than two million Christians. Citing neutrality in the face of crimes against humanity is deeply troubling, particularly in light of Germany's Holocaust past and the missed opportunity the event represented to educate students about genocide and potentially prevent its recurrence.
Equally troubling is Turkey's continued denial and banning of information about these crimes, not only within its own borders, but, as exemplified in Germany, within other countries as well. In contrast to Germany where laws since the end of World War II seek to prevent a Holocaust from ever happening again, the Turkish government under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, passed in 2005, makes it a crime punishable by up to two years imprisonment to insult the Turkish state. This provision prevents any public commemoration or consideration of the Turkish Muslim atrocities committed against Ottoman Christians.
Read more at The American Thinker
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Palestinian Sheik to US - You Will Pay Jizya or You Will Be Beheaded
Another in a growing list of warnings from the "moderate" Islamist leaders of the religion of "peace".
"Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya 'or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks.'"
Posted by Brian
"Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya 'or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks.'"
Posted by Brian
Holder Invents Racist Threat To Justify Blocking Voter ID Laws
Posted by Brian
Holder's Voter ID Fraud
The AG invents fears of ballot suppression.
The Obama Administration's re-election mobilization continues: Witness Eric Holder's attempt to play the race card and perhaps twist the law in a campaign against voter identification laws.
In the Attorney General's telling, the movement in the states to require voters to show some ID is a revival of minority disenfranchisement a la Jim Crow. A growing number of minorities, he said in a speech last week, are now worried about "the same disparities, divisions and problems" that beset the country in 1965 and "many Americans, for the first time in their lives . . . now have reason to believe that we are failing to live up" to the promise of democracy for all.
If you haven't heard about this national crisis, perhaps that's because you don't travel in Mr. Holder's political circles. He is merely repeating the howls of groups like the NAACP and the George Soros-funded Brennan Center, which claim without evidence that voter ID laws hurt minorities.
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Ron Paul's Fans Can't Have It Both Ways
Ron Paul's fans have been complaining that he isn't being taken seriously. Now that he has a chance to win Iowa because of the lack of scrutiny he's had so far, people are starting to take Paul seriously and look at some of the crazy things he's said and wants to do. Ron Paul's fans don't seem to like that either. But, you can't have it both ways. If you want to be President, you don't get to limit the conversation to the Constitution, deficit cutting, and the gold standard. Your opponents get to pick things out of your record that they want to talk about, too, and Ron Paul has a lot of disqualifiers that make it impossible for him to be the next President of the United States.
Posted by Brian
Posted by Brian
Fmr. Paul Staffer: Ron Paul Racist? No. Anti-Israel? Most Certainly!
Posted by Brian
Former Ron Paul staffer and Senior Aide says Ron Paul is also anti-Israeli, supports the Palestinians, and "supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs".
Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism
Written By : Eric Dondero
Fmr. Senior Aide, US Cong. Ron Paul, 1997 – 2003
Campaign Coordinator, Ron Paul for Congress, 1995/96
National Organizer, Draft Ron Paul for President, 1991/92
Travel Aide/Personal Asst. Ron Paul, Libertarian for President
I have been asked by various media the last few days for my comments, view of the current situation regarding my former boss Ron Paul, as he runs for the presidency on the Republican ticket.
I’ve noticed in some media that my words have been twisted and used for an agenda from both sides. And I wish to set the record straight with media that I trust and know will get the story right: conservative/libertarian-conservative bloggers.
Read More at Right Wing News
Former Ron Paul staffer and Senior Aide says Ron Paul is also anti-Israeli, supports the Palestinians, and "supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs".
Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism
Written By : Eric Dondero
Fmr. Senior Aide, US Cong. Ron Paul, 1997 – 2003
Campaign Coordinator, Ron Paul for Congress, 1995/96
National Organizer, Draft Ron Paul for President, 1991/92
Travel Aide/Personal Asst. Ron Paul, Libertarian for President
I have been asked by various media the last few days for my comments, view of the current situation regarding my former boss Ron Paul, as he runs for the presidency on the Republican ticket.
I’ve noticed in some media that my words have been twisted and used for an agenda from both sides. And I wish to set the record straight with media that I trust and know will get the story right: conservative/libertarian-conservative bloggers.
Read More at Right Wing News
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DOJ Atty. Perjures Self 3 Times, Goes Unpunished, Continues Assignments in Sensitive Areas
Posted by Brian
The Justice Department Condones Perjury … Again
Why should we be surprised? Look at how Eric Holder and the DOJ have mishandled the investigation into Operation Fast & Furious and repeatedly misled Congress.
The Justice Department Condones Perjury … Again
Why should we be surprised? Look at how Eric Holder and the DOJ have mishandled the investigation into Operation Fast & Furious and repeatedly misled Congress.
A career employee in the Voting Section of Justice’s Civil Rights Division has confessed to committing perjury, sources say. The employee, Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi, reportedly told investigators from the Inspector General’s Office that she perjured herself during an inquiry into Justice Department leaks during the previous administration. Despite the admission, she has not been fired for criminal malfeasance. Indeed, it appears she has not been disciplined in any meaningful way at all.
The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the Bush Justice Department. Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.
One of the most prominent leaks involved the Voting Section’s privileged, internal analysis of the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan, submitted to the Civil Rights Division in October 2003 for review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The contents of the internal memorandum appeared on the front page of the Washington Post on Dec. 2, 2005, to great fanfare from Democrats on Capitol Hill and their surrogates in the liberal blogosphere.
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Voter ID - Eric Holder Goes To War Against S. Carolina
Posted by Brian
The Holder/Obama Justice Department, in its continued race-based approach to voting rights, has blocked a S. Carolina law requiring that voters actually prove that they are who they say they are before stepping into the voting booth. The the civil rights activists who continue to claim that these laws disenfranchise voters, with minorities of course, hardiest hit, use this straw-man argument over and over against Republicans in order to paint the GOP as anti-black, anti-immigrant, and anti-elderly. No proof, mind you, that it suppresses voting. In fact, the opposite has been shown to be true in Georgia, where voter ID is mandatory. Turnout in Georgia increased, including an increase in the number of blacks who voted, and an increase of Democrat voters by over 100,000 from 2004 to 2008. So why is Eric Holder and the Justice Department opposed to voter ID requirements. Because it has never been about disenfranchising voters legal voters. It is about empowering groups like ACORN, illegal immigrant/open border advocates, and other community activist groups to commit voter fraud on a scale that can turn close races into Democrat landslides.
The Holder Justice Department is nothing but an illegal arm of the Obama 2012 reelection campaign. If you thought that Nixon had a dirty tricks team, you ain't seen nothing yet!
The Holder/Obama Justice Department, in its continued race-based approach to voting rights, has blocked a S. Carolina law requiring that voters actually prove that they are who they say they are before stepping into the voting booth. The the civil rights activists who continue to claim that these laws disenfranchise voters, with minorities of course, hardiest hit, use this straw-man argument over and over against Republicans in order to paint the GOP as anti-black, anti-immigrant, and anti-elderly. No proof, mind you, that it suppresses voting. In fact, the opposite has been shown to be true in Georgia, where voter ID is mandatory. Turnout in Georgia increased, including an increase in the number of blacks who voted, and an increase of Democrat voters by over 100,000 from 2004 to 2008. So why is Eric Holder and the Justice Department opposed to voter ID requirements. Because it has never been about disenfranchising voters legal voters. It is about empowering groups like ACORN, illegal immigrant/open border advocates, and other community activist groups to commit voter fraud on a scale that can turn close races into Democrat landslides.
The Holder Justice Department is nothing but an illegal arm of the Obama 2012 reelection campaign. If you thought that Nixon had a dirty tricks team, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Breaking: Eric Holder Blocks SC Voter ID, Texas Next
December 23, 2011 - 2:34 pm - by J. Christian Adams
Eric Holder has blocked South Carolina’s voter ID law. Hans von Spakovsky and I have been predicting this was going to happen for over eight months here at PJ Media. The only surprising thing is that no halftime adjustments were made after it became even clearer an objection was on the way. Texas now faces the same dilemma. Sadly, I’m not convinced Texas understands the battlefield or the stakes involved.
Attorney General Abbot says on Twitter that “Texas will be next. We’ll fight to the end for ballot integrity.”
Read More at PJ Media
Read More at PJ Media
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