About Me

  • I am an American. 
  • I am a husband and have been happily married for 19 years. 
  • I am a father.
  • I am a retired veteran (Submariners Do It Deeper).
  • I Love God, my family, and my Country...in that order
  • I am a Conservative.  I do not follow Political Parties.  I follow the Constitution. 
  • I believe conservative compassion is best measured by what I can do to help individuals achieve, and to reach, their greatest potential.
  • I believe liberal compassion is measured by how much of other people's money they can redistribute in the form of handouts to the masses, creating a permanent underclass, dependent on Government for their needs.
  • Liberalism is a mental disorder.
  • Our Founding Fathers were much wiser than the current politicians that we have in Washington, D.C. today.
  • I believe that the best defense is a superior offense.
  • Appeasement only emboldens your enemy.
  • Don't confuse strong diplomacy with appeasement.
  • The Government should only do those things that are specifically spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. Finding hidden meanings in "emanations" and "penumbra's" is a liberal tactic to purposefully distort and twist that which is clear.
  • If the Constitution doesn't address it, it is a State's Rights issue. Period.
  • The is no Separation of Church and State.  (look it up)
  • The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is the right of ALL law abiding citizens.
    • This is not a hunting issue, it is a liberty issue.
  • Government, and those whom we give the PRIVILEGE to represent us, work for US. We are not there for the government.  This is true for everybody from the President, to those who work at the DMV.  If your paycheck is paid by taxpayers, you work for them, regardless of what the media or SEIU tells you. We should remind them of this fact as often as necessary.
  • Margaret Sanger,the Founder of Planned Parenthood, was a eugenicist and racist, whose goal was to rid the country of as many blacks as possible through abortion. Planned Parenthood continues her wishes to this day. Most Planned Parenthood offices are located in minority neighborhoods. Coincidence? Nearly half of all black pregnancies end in abortion, 1,876 per day on average, and over 16 million since 1973.
  • Man-made Global warming/climate change is a myth created by leftists as a means of redistributing wealth from advanced Western nations to despots and dictators in third-world hell-holes created by their own failed statist policies.