The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Leon Panetta, gave Congressional testimony about the situation in Egypt based on what he saw on the news? Oh, how the might CIA has fallen. Has our intelligence service been so gutted that we now have a bunch of analysts watching CNN to get their information of what is going on around the world? "What's the situation in Egypt? Quick! Turn on Christiane Amanpour to see what she is reporting. I've heard she has an "in" with the Muslim Brotherhood."
This might also explain how National Inteligence Director James Clapper described the Muslim Brotherhood as a "secular organization" who "eschews violence". The same Muslim Brotherhood who assassinated Anwar Sadat and spawned Hamas and Al Qaeda.
Folks, we are in deep kim chee as long as this bunch remains in power.
Report: CIA Chief Based Congressional Testimony On Mubarak Departure On Media
by Colby Hall 10:30 pm, February 10th, 2011
CIA Director Leon Panetta testified to Congress today of a “strong likelihood” that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would step down by the end of the day. The report of his impending resignation was only eclipsed by the news that Mubarak would NOT be stepping down as Panetta had indicated to congress. The worse part isn’t that Panetta was basing his statement on on media reports (and not intelligence.) No, National Intelligence Director James Clapper outdid Panetta with his erroneous claim that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “secular” organization.
Certainly the current upheaval unfolding in Egypt is a fluid situation, best described as a leaderless revolt that has put the State Department, the Pentagon and the CIA all on their heels. As it turns out, the true diplomatic stars so far in this story has been the media, who’s on the field reports have not only created compelling visuals for cable news outlets around the world, but also, strangely, informed the CIA director in his statements to Congress.
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