Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Michael Ordman
Look how Israel treats the Palestinian Arabs: Part 3
I was astonished to discover over 60 positive news stories since July 2010 that never appeared anywhere except in the Israeli press. In this final part, I have selected some of the stories where Israelis and Palestinian Arabs get together outside of the working environment; plus some facts about co-existence that you may be unaware of.
Israelis are mad about sports and they are keen to mix together with their neighbors on the playing field. In May, a team of Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs were narrowly beaten by an ex-pat Aussie team in a practice for the Australian Rules International Football Cup later this year. In September, a Jerusalem team of Israelis and Palestinian Arabs put aside their differences and teamed up to compete in Israel’s amateur American tackle football league. By March there were two teams, each containing both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs, that battled out the final of Israel Bowl 1V. Israel's first NBA player, Omri Casspi, ran a basketball clinic for 100 Israeli and Palestinian Arab children in the annual event of the Twinned Peace Basketball Schools project. Whilst on the subject of sports, it is interesting to point out that in February, in the Palestinian territories, Arab women celebrated the inauguration of the new women’s football league.
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