
Anthony Weiner - New York Putz

Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) demonstrated their "debating" skills on Face the Nation this weekend.  When presented with a cogent argument or counter-point, talk over your opponent or throw out ad hominem insults.  Typical Saul Alinsky tactics, and proof once again that Weiner and Schultz are respectively, a putz and a klafte. - Brian
Wild Face The Nation Shoutfest: Reps. Michele Bachmann And Anthony Weiner Go At It
by Matt Schneider 12:22 pm, January 2nd, 2011
Luckily regular Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer was vacationing because the mild-mannered Schieffer might not have been able to keep this wild bunch of elected representatives under control. Substitute host Harry Smith handled the debate well though, as Representatives Michele Bachmann, Anthony Weiner , Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Mike Kelly unleashed a fury of verbal blows on one another.

Discussion of the nation’s debt ceiling was a frequent topic on the Sunday shows, to which Kelly called raising it “absolutely irresponsible” and Bachmann declared “at this point I am not in favor of raising the debt ceiling.” During the lively debate, each participant fired off a few humorous shots, here are some of the best one-liners from each:  READ MORE HERE--->

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