
Obama Transforms Himself Into Captain America

Posted by Brian
Obama has wrapped himself in the American flag like he was born to it

Obama, Osama, and Wagging the Dog
- Jim O'Neill Friday, May 6, 2011

“There’s something awfully screwy going on around here.”—Elmer Fudd

It’s no joke that ever-increasingly the American people distrust the news media. I would imagine that the Marxist/Fascist/NWO globalists must find it tiresome to have spent all that time, effort, and money to infiltrate, subvert, and pervert America’s various news venues, just to have “we the people” do an end-round, and get our news from the Internet and radio. Well, the best laid plans o’ mice and men, and all that.

“We the people” find ourselves in a classic “tail wagging the dog” situation, where the large American electorate, who should wield the power in the United States, are being controlled, manipulated, and conned by a relatively small number of people in the federal government—for nefarious ends I might add. Link

Although the freshman class of Congress critters who were elected into office back in November gives one hope, it will take a small army of people with the character and integrity of, say Allen West, to undertake the herculean task of cleaning out the bulls—t-caked Augean stables of Washington D.C.
READ MORE HERE--->  http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/36199

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