
California Elementary "Gender Diversity" CourseTeaches More Than Two Gender Options

Posted by Brian
We're no longer male or female.  Now we are multi-sexual.  At least that is what some "gender diversity" classes are teaching to our kids
Not only is Redwood Heights Elementary School in Oaland California teaching that gender diversity courses to elementarty school children, the course is not one in which parents can have their children opt out of.  The school is claiming that this is in response to parent requests of a "warm, welcoming, safe, and caring environment" for their children at school, said school Principal Sara Stone.
I seriously doubt that the parents were asking the school to start up a LGBT studies program for their K-6 children.  The school and its spokespeople can try to spin this as "education", and that it is all about making the school safer all they want.  That is crap. This is about furthering the leftist indoctrination of our children by the education system here in California. 
Schools are becoming nothing but little Orwellian reeducation camps. Children here are constantly bombarded with curriculum that skews history, and teaches what a crappy place the United States is.  According to many of those in the educational hoi poloi, America is the root cause of all that is wrong with the world. The educational system has become a cesspool of  Marxist thought.
Political correctness is the order of the day in most California schools and it is being rammed down the throat of both parents and children by teachers, administrators and the California Teachers Association union. Fortunately, some of the parents are beginning to see this and beginning to speak out. 
By the way, the California Teachers Association is covering the cost of this gender diversity "education" with a $1500 grant.

Oakland school's lessons in gender diversity
Jill Tucker, Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Read more:  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/05/23/BAI51JJQ35.DTL#ixzz1NOSx6bud

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