
Double-talking on Israel: U.S. aids Palestinians?

Obama demands Jews stop construction while building Palestinian Authority foothold in same areas!!
Posted: October 10, 2010  9:07 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein  © 2010 WorldNetDaily

Barack Obama shares laugh with PA President Mahmoud Abbas
  JERUSALEM – Despite its history of friendly relations with Israel, the U.S. has been aiding Palestinian Authority construction in areas where the work could tilt the outcome of Mideast negotiations in favor of the Palestinians.

By aiding Palestinian construction of infrastructure in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, the U.S. has effectively been helping the PA create facts on the ground that could push disputed neighborhoods toward becoming part of a Palestinian state, including areas where the land in question is wholly owned by Jews.

While the Obama administration has been demanding a complete halt to all Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem, the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, has been financing Palestinian infrastructure projects in those same territories. Some of the projects include the construction of PA municipal buildings as well as roads and other infrastructure.

Case and point are multiple towns in the West Bank in what is known as Area C - neighborhoods controlled by Israel. Last month the State Department inaugurated a USAID-funded Palestinian school in Beit Ijza, a West Bank neighborhood about five miles northwest of Jerusalem. The U.S. has also been aiding in multiple other West Bank areas with the construction of roads and municipal facilities.

Some of the U.S.-funded construction has been carried out by a company owned by the son of PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

While the U.S. assistance to the PA has been stepped up in recent months, USAID has been helping the Palestinians develop sections of Jerusalem for several years now, including on property owned by Jews.

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