Carole Mosley-Braun is like the rash that won't go away. She is like Chicago's version of Marion Berry - the D.C. Mayor who was arrested in a sting operation involving crack cocaine, went to prison, got out, and was then rewarded by D.C. voters, who elected him back onto the City Council. Mosley-Braun, whose political career has been shadowed by numerous ethics problems, is nonetheless smack-dab in the middle of the race for Mayor of Chicago. I don't think it is surprising that she is running, as the woman has no shame, but that she is running 2nd, behind Rahm Emanuel.
Posted by Brian Chicago Politics? Mayoral Candidate Calls Opponent a Crack Addict
When former U.S. Senator and current Chicago mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun felt attacked by opponent Patricia Van-Pelt Watkins at a recent candidate forum, she struck back. But her retort of choice wasn’t a logical, reasoned argument. Instead, she called Van-Pelt Watkins a crack cocaine addict. And now, she’s feeling the backlash:
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