
Soros Bets on U.S. Financial Collapse

Media Matters recently received $1 million from Soros so that it could try to mute the effectiveness of conservative media organizations and personalities, some of them critical of Soros

Soros Bets on U.S. Financial Collapse
By Cliff Kincaid Monday, November 8, 2010

Another financial expert is expressing his deep disgust with the Federal Reserve’s decision to print more money and buy more U.S. debt, saying it is a sign that the U.S. capitalist system is moving closer to collapse.

 “This is the type of stuff we accused the communist and socialist governments of doing—interfering in free markets through currency manipulation,” declared Zubi Diamond, author of The Wizards of Wall Street. “What the Fed is doing is not good for free market capitalism and it is not good for America.”

In an interview with Accuracy in Media, Diamond went on to say, “The Fed is following the economic models of Third World countries by printing more money and devaluing their currencies. If you keep doing what Third World economies do, eventually you will become a Third World economy."

The Fed’s new action, labeled “quantitative easing” or QE2, follows a first attempt at “QE,” known as QE1. QE means that the Federal Reserve is printing more money and buying more government debt. In total, according to Investor’s Business Daily, “the Fed will have created $2.5 trillion out of the blue.”

Diamond said the result of the Fed’s policy will be to “increase the debt, devalue our currency and create a bigger problem that won’t solve the crisis.” Eventually, America could “collapse under its own weight of massive debt,” he warned.

The QE2 “will devalue the dollar and lead to higher commodity prices, asset and price inflation. It may even lead to the end of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency,” Diamond predicted. He noted that Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner floated the idea of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency, “only to backpedal from it when it raised some eyebrows.”

“What is most troubling to me about this,” Diamond added, “is that the Fed’s QE2 is in alignment with George Soros’s agenda to destroy global capitalism.” The decline of the dollar “is what George Soros wants and what he has proposed in the past,” he noted. (Watch The Soros Interview from my previous post here)

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