
Jan Schakowsky Defends Obamacare 10-10-10

Jan Schakowsky Forced To Defend Obamacare (hint: She can't)
October 11, 2010
The following video is a preview of our full report on the recent candidates’ forum in Illinois’ 9th congressional district between Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and her Republican challenger, Joel Pollak.

After the forum concluded, the candidates mingled in the crowd and fielded questions from the attendees. Adam Sharp of sharpelbows.net took the opportunity to ask the Congresswoman exactly where in the Constitution the Congress is given the authority to force American citizens to purchase health insurance. It is a perfectly reasonable question that everyone who voted for Obamacare ought to be prepared to answer. Representative Schakowsky was not ready.
hat tip to Founding Bloggers ( www.foundingbloggers.com )

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