
Football Team Executes TWO Plays to Make an Unpopular Disabled Boy's Day

Posted by Brian

A truism about sports is that they teach life lessons.  They teach us how to win and lose with grace and dignity.  They teach that even though we get knocked down, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep trying.  More importantly, sports teach us that when we work together with others as a cohesive unit, we can accomplish more than we dreamed.

You see, just as in life, team sports teach us about cooperation.  As much as we want things to be "all about me", in something like football we quickly learn that no matter how talented "I" may be, no one individual is going to be successful without the 10 other players on that field doing their assignments well.

Fortunately for all of us, every once in a while some of these young men and women take these lessons and demonstrate how they really do apply in the real world, and really give us something to cheer about.  And maybe even cry a little.

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