
Sorry, Barney Frank, but you can’t be trusted - Boston Herald

Boston Herald
After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote.

On election night, he lost my respect as well.
Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience.
There was the congressional king of anger, vituperation and vitriol lashing out at the Herald and Fox 25 for, in his words, “anger, vituperation . . . and vitriol.”

What, does he not own a mirror? Is he incapable of introspection? Has he never seen YouTube’s collection of his best TV hissy fits?
Barney seemed to have forgotten: He won. Big. And he was lucky he did.

The contrast between a nasty, bitter Frank and his grateful, graceful opponent, Sean Bielat, could not have been more stark.
Equally glaring is the double standard Frank enjoys. No female politician could last five minutes as such a condescending, abusive bully. Neither could a conservative. So he gets a special pass because why? Because he’s gay? Because he’s allegedly “whip-smart,” as supporters still say?

For Companion Story and video go to: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view/20101104sorry_barney_frank_but_you_cant_be_trusted/srvc=home&position=0
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