
Senator Barbara Boxer emphasizing veterans issues to deflect criticism of her long history of undermining the US military

October 12, 2010

Barbara Boxer, Code Pink's favorite Senator
Scott Swett

In the final days of her most difficult reelection bid, California Senator Barbara Boxer is emphasizing veterans issues to deflect criticism of her long history of undermining the US military, a cynical strategy that has garnered an endorsement from the increasingly leftist VFW. At the recent opening of a new veterans' center in Pasadena, Boxer was overcome with emotion as Senator Inouye of Hawaii defended her record of support for veterans and veterans' issues.

Let's review a few facts that Boxer and her handlers hope the voters won't recall.

In Congress during the Cold War, Boxer consistently worked to cut military funding for projects such as the Patriot missile and stealth aircraft, and supported a Congressional Black Caucus recommendation to cut the defense budget in half.  In 1991, she sponsored a House resolution demanding prior Congressional approval of all covert US actions overseas - a measure that would have crippled anti-terrorist efforts.  The radical proposal was defeated unanimously.

As a US Senator, Boxer voted against health care reconciliation bill amendments to exempt veterans from a new tax on medical devices, including prosthetics such as artificial limbs.

Read More at:  http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/10/barbara_boxer_code_pinks_favor_1.html
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