They're of course claiming victim status, claiming that when Hirsi Ali speaks out for freedom for women, she is endangering Muslim women. It is a sign of the insanity of the times that such a ridiculous charge could gain traction with anyone. "Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Somali Feminist Appearing at Town Hall, Draws Veiled Protesters," by Nina Shapiro in the Seattle Weekly, September 30 (thanks to Weasel Zippers):
It was a scene you don't see everyday in Seattle: Some three dozen Islamic women in cloaks and veils descended on Town Hall last night to wave pickets and pass out fliers. They were there to protest the appearance of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the controversial Somali émigré who's been speaking out against Islamic fundamentalism and oppression of women.
Hirsi Ali, a former Dutch member of parliament who's now a fellow at the conservative D.C.-based American Enterprise Institute, came here at the behest of the World Affairs Council to talk about her views on Muslims and her new book Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations.
"We don't want hate speech here," said Entisar Ibrahim, one of the protesters, her black hijab revealing only her eyes. But when asked exactly how Hirsi Ali was a "virulently Islamaphobic bigot," as the fliers labeled the visiting author, Ibrahim couldn't say.
Whoops! That's the problem with half-digesting propaganda that has no basis in the first place! Sometimes under such circumstances it can be hard to regurgitate!
She said nevertheless that she and her fellow protesters--whom she said came from all over the city rather than any specific neighborhood or mosque-- were worried that Hirsi Ali's message would incite anti-Islamic feeling in Seattle. She added that the city at the moment was mostly free of such sentiment but that she occasionally gets pointed comments about her appearance, such as: "Don't you know you're free here?"
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