
Why Isn't The Left Screaming At Gloria Allred?

Attorney Gloria Allred (standing), with comedi...Image via Wikipedia
Gloria Allred, the media-whore, crawls out from under her rock once again to inject herself into a California election, in another of her slimy attempts to affect the outcome of a close race.  This is reminiscent of the last-minute sexual harassment case she brought against then-candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger , a case which was later dropped.  This is an obvious attempt to influence the outcome of an election with what appear to be baseless charges by the Democrat activist Allred, who has never met a camera she didn't like.  The only thing for sure is that at the end of this fiasco, Allred will have put her client in the cross-hairs of Immigration and ICE officials (she is illegal with fraudulent SSN), Whitman may end up damaged politically, and Allred will have made the whole thing about herself and reputation as a scummy media-whore.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Isn't The Left Screaming At Gloria Allred?

Gloria Allred is doing more to drive illegal immigrants underground and to target Latinos for racial profiling than anything the State of Arizona has even thought of doing.

Allred dropped a late-September surprise on Meg Whitman based on the allegation that Whitman did not do enough to verify the status of her Latino housekeeper. Whitman, by all accounts, obtained the usual required documentation when she hired the housekeeper.
Read Entire Article by William A. Jacobson
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