
The Pelosi Shuffle

Posted by Brian
America's Own Would-Be Eva Peron

Bob Schieffer grilled Nancy Pelosi on the economy and what, if any, plans the Democrats are proposing to right the fiscal ship.  In classic Pelosi gibberish, she responded to Mr. Schieffer questions about the Democrat's  legislative absenteeism with partisan non-answers, completely devoid of even an inkling of honesty, or of embarrassment.  Even someone who doesn't follow politics could read through her rehearsed facial twitches and stuttering. 
Getting visibly irritated with here rope-a-dope, Schieffer continued to press the oblivious Pelosi, asking why it wasn't fair for the GOP to bring up the failure of the President's policies, when Queen Pelosi and the Democrats hammered George Bush on sub-5% unemployment, $3/gal gas.  And let's not forget how they actively attempted to undermine the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, which I believe was near seditious in nature. But I digress.  With her perpetual wide-eyed, doing her best over-the hill Betty Boop, she didn't even blink (which may be botox related) as she explained that that was the past, and we need to focus on the future. Hypocrite anyone?

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So after a Nancy Pelosi-led Congress which racked up nearly $6T in deficits in 4 years, she now wants to vote "present"?  She is arguably the most effective Speaker of the House in history.  She rammed more spending and legisislation, that the American people didn't want, through Congress in 4 years than every other Speaker before her combined. She is the United States Eva Peron. You would think that she would want to take credit for all of her accomplishments.  She is arguably the dumbest person to ever hold that position, yet she perfected a scorched-earth brand of leadership, sacrificing even those in her own party, to push through the most radical leftist agenda this nation has ever seen.  Her rule was so complete that even those in state-level politics were not untouched by her brash leadership.  In addition to the 60 seats gained by the GOP in the House, they flipped 14 state legislatures to GOP control, with 25 unified senates and assemblies, and picked up over 500 state legislative seats.  Quite the accomplishment for any Speaker, let alone for one who has a speech impediment as pronounced as hers.
Nancy, don't run away from your accomplishments.  America deserves to have you reminding us of what progressives really look like.

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